Discrimination & Equal Opportunity

We have considerable experience in discrimination law matters and regularly act for clients in claims in state and federal tribunals and in courts.

We advise on anti-discrimination laws and equal employment opportunity in the workplace, including the development and implementation of workplace policies covering anti-discrimination, sexual harassment, affirmative action and workplace bullying.

We also help our clients to put best-practice equal opportunity measures in place, ensuring they meet their employer responsibilities while supporting key commercial drivers, such as productivity and efficiency.


  • Successfully defending one of Australia’s leading retail banks against a multi-million dollar discrimination and breach of contract claim.
  • Advising on a whistleblower’s complaint and investigation into allegations of improper conduct, misconduct and sexual harassment.
  • Defending businesses from discrimination claims in the Australian Human Rights Commission, Federal Circuit Court, Federal Court and various state tribunals (including before the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board, VCAT, NCAT and QCAT).
  • Conducting workplace investigations into allegations of discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying.
  • Engaging independent investigators and advising on workplace investigations into allegations of bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment complaints made by employees.
  • Reviewing and updating workplace policies and conducting training for an executive team on workplace behaviours.

Key contact

Aaron has extensive employment and industrial relations law experience working with clients across a range of industries.

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