Meet our new Partner

Elisa Paxton

Elisa Paxton


Statutory Insurance

‘I like to think of myself as a proactive and tenacious litigator. I love delving into the key issues of a case, being investigative and uncovering evidence to obtain the best possible outcome for my client.’


  • I work with:
    I act on behalf of employers and scheme agents in defending common law and statutory benefit claims brought by workers injured in the course of their employment in Victoria.
  • Major highlights:
    I have sub-specialties in common law multi-defendant and liability matters. I really enjoy this work, as it requires a lot of investigative and strategic thinking and provides me with the opportunity to form close relationships with employers and to really understand businesses and industries.
  • I predict the next big thing will be:
    I think COVID-19 will result in long-term changes to the way many people work, in particular relating to more flexible work arrangements. This will raise important issues for consideration by employers to maintain the health and safety of their workers as the definition of ‘a workplace’ is expanded. Advancements in innovation and technology will see digital platforms and data analytics used to enhance benefit delivery to injured workers and provide streamlined occupational health and safety information and support to employers across Victoria.
  • My proudest achievement:
    to be promoted to partner at Hall & Wilcox and I’m proud of my involvement in developing Smarter Law innovations for WorkSafe. For the past two years, innovation projects that I have worked on have won WorkSafe’s annual innovation award.
  • Outside of work, you'll find me:
    spending time with my husband and children, cooking and entertaining, travel, reading, listening to podcasts, going for long walks and swimming.
  • If I wasn't a lawyer, I would be:
    a teacher. I love teaching and seeing others grow and develop knowledge and skills. I’m pleased to say that the recent two-month home schooling of my primary school aged children during lockdown did not alter my views in this regard!

