Season 4: Tax Records


Hosted by Partner and Head of Tax Frank Hinoporos, our Tax team discusses the latest hot topics in tax, including ATO guidance on section 100A, tax issues in engaging contractors in your business and things you must know if you buy, sell or own cryptocurrencies or NFTs.

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How does tax apply to cryptocurrencies or NFTs?

In this episode, listeners will hear from Frank Hinoporos and Adam Dimac from our Tax team, who discuss tax basics if you buy, sell or own cryptocurrencies or NFTs.

Contractors v employees: tax risks to be aware of

In this episode, listeners will hear from Anthony Bradica and Adam Dimac from our Tax team, who discuss the tax risks and issues business owners need to know about when they engage contractors.

Welcome to the danger zone: ATO guidance on section 100A

In this episode, listeners will hear from Frank Hinoporos and Todd Bromwich from our Tax team, who discuss the long-awaited ATO guidance on the scope and application of section 100A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, how the ATO intends to apply compliance resources to reviewing trust arrangements, and give some practical guidance on how to navigate these issues.

Key contacts

  • Fluent in Greek - conversational

Frank Hinoporos the Hall & Wilcox Tax team. He advises on direct taxes, international structuring and taxation disputes.

More about Frank

Todd is a taxation lawyer with experience in charity law, general commercial matters, trust law and estate planning.

More about Todd

Anthony specialises in taxation planning and structuring for corporate clients, including advising on capital raisings and M&A.

More about Anthony

Adam is an experienced tax lawyer, advising on a range of matters, including Division 7A, CGT and corporate restructuring.

More about Adam

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