ATO guidance on section 99B webinar
On 27 November 2024, the Australian Taxation Office finalised its highly anticipated guidance on section 99B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936: Taxation Determination (TD 2024/9) and Practical Compliance Guideline (PCG 2024/3).
Following on from our webinar in August on the draft guidance, the Hall & Wilcox Tax team invite you to attend a complimentary webinar on this critical issue for the private and SME market. It is a ‘must attend’ conversation if your clients utilise trusts, particularly those with wealth in offshore trusts.
In this presentation Frank Hinoporos, Partner & Head of Tax, will draw on our practical experience managing section 99B related matters, explaining:
- When section 99B should be considered and the implications of it applying;
- The evolution of the Commissioner’s view since the draft guidance was issued in July 2024;
- How we consider taxpayers may be impacted by this guidance;
- Practical strategies for practitioners to proactively manage section 99B risk, in light of the ATO’s guidance; and
- How to effectively manage section 99B audits and disputes