Shyla Sivanas

Senior Associate

Qualifications: LLB/BA


Shyla’s practice focuses on common law and statutory benefits claims brought pursuant to the Accident Compensation Act 1985 (Vic) and Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 (Vic).

Shyla acts as a solicitor for WorkSafe Victoria, its agents and employers in defending claims relating to injuries arising out of employment. In particular, Shyla has conduct of numerous psychiatric injuries and multi-defendant claims. Prior to joining Hall & Wilcox, Shyla had experience acting for Plaintiffs including in claims pursuant to the Transport Accident Act 1986. Shyla is a proactive litigator with strong dispute resolution skills. She is dedicated to investigating the key issues in a claim at an early stage and providing comprehensive advice to WorkSafe Victoria.

Shyla is also actively involved in developing Smarter Law innovations for use within the firm and is a member of the firm’s Pro Bono Committee.


  • Conducting serious injury applications, Originating Motion matters, damages matters, judicial reviews and statutory benefits matters.
  • Instructing in the County Court, Supreme Court and Court of Appeal.
  • Negotiating and advocating on behalf of her clients at conferences and in mediations.
  • Presenting at internal seminars regarding Originating Motion matters and regarding case law developments in claims for psychiatric injuries.

Professional Membership

  • Law Institute of Victoria