Bridget is an experienced insurance litigator based in Brisbane, specialising in financial lines and professional indemnity products.
Bridget’s area of expertise has been the defence of professional negligence claims against solicitors, accountants, insurance brokers, financial planners, construction professionals and allied health professionals. She also regularly acts for Australian and overseas insurers on policy interpretation and indemnity disputes in respect of all policies including professional indemnity, third party liability, industrial special risk, management liability, D&O and strata policies.
Bridget is known for her technical expertise, her proactive management of claims, her deep understanding of the insurance industry and the needs of her clients. Bridget has worked extensively throughout Australia having practised as a solicitor in Queensland, New South Wales and Tasmania.
- Successfully defending a claim brought against a Brisbane law firm in the Supreme Court of Queensland by the widow and two children of a deceased estate seeking damages in excess of $40 million; Talbot & Ors v Boyd Legal (A Firm) & Ors [2023] QSC 8.
- Successfully defending a claim on behalf of a solicitor’s professional indemnity insurer, brought in the Federal Court of Australia, seeking damages for breach by the solicitor of his contractual and tortious duties in relation to recording a family arrangement; Jones v AAI Limited trading as Vero Insurance [2016] FCA 1244.
- Defending a multi-million claim brought against a solicitor in the Supreme Court of Queensland regarding an alleged failure to advise the plaintiffs in a share sale transaction of existing guarantees and the release of those guarantees.
- Advising on professional indemnity cover and acting as defence counsel in a range of claims and AFCA disputes against insurance brokers.
- Acting for an ASX listed insurance broker operating in Australia, the UK and New Zealand in relation to a failure to obtain appropriate business interruption insurance on behalf of a client.
- Secondment as a claims officer to the captive insurer providing professional indemnity insurance to members of the legal profession in Queensland.
- Acting as coverage counsel for a domestic Australian insurer in relation to multiple claims, brought against an accounting firm and the insurer directly alleging vicarious liability for the misappropriation of client funds by a former director.
- Acting as defence counsel in claims against engineers, builders and surveyors in litigated and unlitigated disputes relating to commercial and residential developments.
- Providing coverage advice to insurers regarding assessing an insured’s risk of claims arising out of the use of non-standard cladding on commercial buildings in Queensland.
- Providing professional indemnity coverage advice and acting as defence counsel in relation to a notification against the insured environmental consultant arising from the redevelopment of a large commercial building in Queensland and discovery of asbestos.
- Defending claims brought against a national real estate agent and its insurer concerning disputes involving prestige residential properties, multi-million dollar developments and allegations of misleading and deceptive conduct.
- Acting for an allied health association and its members in respect of healthcare liability compensation claims and disciplinary proceedings.
- Defending claims brought against a range of medical professionals and their insurers in civil claims for damages, professional conduct matters, coronial inquest and employment disputes across a number of Australian jurisdictions.
- Acting for a private not-for-profit health care organisation in Tasmania in respect to a number of civil claims for damages alleging medical malpractice and coronial inquests.
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