Vanessa has worked in the area of insurance law, with a specific focus on workers compensation and personal injury insurance litigation since beginning her career as a paralegal in 1996. She was admitted to practice as a solicitor in New South Wales in 1999 and since that time has gained expertise in a variety of insurance litigation areas.
In her 23 years in the insurance industry Vanessa has gained extensive exposure acting for and advising both worker and insurer clients. She has in-house and private practice experience managing workers compensation, work injury damages, common law, double insurance and section 151Z recovery claims.
Vanessa has a particular interest in advising insurer clients in relation to statutory indemnity disputes.
Additionally, Vanessa regularly advises insurer clients with respect to work injury damages, compensation to relatives and fatality related claims. Her practice currently involves her in acting for icare, icare scheme agents, government sector clients, self-insured parties and specialised insurers.
- Vanessa has been involved in the management of major claims and insurance disputes, including those arising from the Thredbo landslide disaster.
- Vanessa’s experience also extends to advising clients in relation to motor vehicle accidents, public liability claims, product liability matters, medical negligence, aviation, intentional torts, coal miners cases and dust diseases related litigation.
- During her time spent in-house, Vanessa’s skills were focused on catastrophic and other sensitive claims. She was pivotal in co-ordinating and implementing a significant project focused on tail claims management resulting in a reduction of liability for a variety of TMF agencies.
- Vanessa played a pivotal role in the development and bringing to market of Hall & Wilcox’s RecoverEase App, which has enjoyed both national and international recognition, including receiving Law Tech’s Award for ‘Innovation in Legal IT’ 2016.