Seun works across the NSW and ACT jurisdictions and is a defendant insurance litigator and health law specialist.
She has investigated critical incidents and defended:
- insurers in multiple party construction injury claims;
- slip and fall claims occurring at shopping centres, health facilities and government premises;
- claims arising from injuries sustained at educational institutions and daycare/child care centres;
- cross-claims against cleaning companies, security and patrol businesses;
- intentional tort claims;
- historical abuse and institutional abuse claims against Government and NGO entities;
- injury claims arising from accidents at rental properties; and
- claims against amusement park/recreational ride operators.
Seun enjoys the complex liability and quantum investigations involved in public liability and casualty work and has particular expertise quantifying claims involving catastrophic injuries including future care and support needs.
Seun provides her clients with proactive support on receipt of instructions including prompt investigation and early advice and recommendations designed to promote cost efficiency. Her rigorous approach to matters is tempered by her empathy. Her aim is to expeditiously resolve meritorious claims on best terms to the insurer and insured, and robustly defend unfounded and opportunistic claims.
When it comes to medical defence, Seun knows the legislative framework and policies of the health system in NSW and has acted for public and private hospitals, employed doctors, allied health workers, nurses and Visiting Medical Officers in medical, surgical and mental health civil claims and coronial investigations.
Seun has particular expertise in coronial investigations from deaths in custody and civil claims arising from prison incidents. She understands the complexities of medical treatment delivered in correctional facilities, and the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders including private prison operators, health service providers, Corrective Services NSW and the Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network. Seun routinely appears as a solicitor advocate for her clients in appropriate matters, most commonly in the NSW Coroner’s Court.
In addition to her defence and coronial practice, Seun assists individuals during disciplinary and regulatory investigations led by the Nursing and Midwifery Board, Medical Council of NSW, Health Care Complaints Commission and other bodies.
Prior to transitioning into private practice, Seun spent almost a decade working within the NSW public service. She provided legal and policy advice to Government and NGO stakeholders around issues concerning risk mitigation, ageing, disability, assault and trespass to vulnerable individuals, the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and home care. She also represented agencies and individuals in coronial inquests. Her public sector experience includes a lengthy secondment to the Commonwealth Department of Health where, amongst other matters, she provided advice about obligations arising under the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 and Aged Care Act 1997. In 2016, working within the NSW Department of Family and Community Services, she managed a team of lawyers handling complex and sensitive claims following the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Her public sector experience extends to the federal jurisdiction having completed a lengthy secondment to the Commonwealth Department of Health in 2020. Amongst other matters, she provided advice about obligations arising under the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 and Aged Care Act 1997.
Recent examples of Seun’s advocacy experience, without counsel, include:
- Appeared for a public hospital in a medical negligence claim commenced in the Supreme Court of NSW by the partner of a deceased patient (proceedings dismissed with costs).
- Acted for an educational institute in the coronial inquest into the suicide of a teenage student (Inquest into the death of DT13 October 2017).
- Appeared for a NSW Local Health District in Court of Appeal proceedings involving a litigant in person (Hassan v Sydney Local Health District[2021] NSWCA 97).
- Inquest into the death of SZ (2022).
- Inquest into the death of CJ (2023).
- Zubary v SRT Formwork Pty Ltd [2023] ACTSC 152.
- Inquest into the death of GS (2023).
- Inquest into the death of Alex Clements (2024).
- Law Society of NSW
- Medico-Legal Society of NSW
- Diverse Women in Law
- Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales