Jenny practices as an insurance lawyer with a particular focus on statutory classes of insurance.
With over seventeen years’ experience working in the NSW workers' compensation area, Jenny is a highly skilled and proficient lawyer who defends statutory and common law workers' compensation claims.
Jenny handles matters in the Personal Injury Commission, as well as the District and Supreme Courts. Jenny also provides strategic advice to employers and insurers with respect to injury and claims management, with a view to avoiding litigation if possible and otherwise reducing employers' and insurers’ potential liability.
Having previously worked for a statutory workers’ compensation insurer, Jenny has practical experience in, and a deep understanding of the claims’ management process, as well as the impact that claims can have on insurance premiums. Jenny has also performed secondments at two major statutory insurers, including managing a small in-house workers’ compensation insurance practice for QBE for seven months.
Jenny has provided advice to, and represented, NSW managed funds and treasury managed fund insurers as well as self-insurers. She specialises in complex Lead Agent matters involving multiple employers and insurers and has a particular interest in and knowledge of disease and psychological injury claims.
Jenny has also provided advice in relation to recovery of workers’ compensation payments in circumstances where there is evidence of fraudulent conduct on the part of the worker.
- Acted on behalf of self-insurers and insurers in proceedings in the Personal Injury Commission, District Court, NSW Supreme Court and NSW Court of Appeal.
- Acted on behalf of an insurer in Fair Work proceedings in the Federal Court.
- Provided advice and briefed counsel in respect of recovering workers’ compensation payments following evidence of fraudulent conduct on the part of the worker.
- Provided training to insurers, self-insurers and employers in respect of workers’ compensation legislation and obligations.
- Presented at seminars to insurers, self-insurers and employer clients in relation to legislative changes and recent decisions in the Personal Injury Commission, NSW Supreme Court and NSW Court of Appeal.
- Law Society of NSW
- Women in Insurance Association