Charlie has diverse experience including regulatory compliance, fund establishment and asset acquisition, divestment and restructuring work for financial services and superannuation clients. Charlie works with clients including retail and industry superannuation funds together with private equity, credit, property and venture capital funds as well as high net wealth individuals and family offices.
Charlie enjoys being involved in the ‘big picture’ impact that the superannuation and financial services industries have on the Australian economy while also taking on the challenge of providing commercial advice on what is a complex, and ever evolving, area of law.
- Assisted Spirit Super (now CareSuper) on the joint acquisition of the Port of Geelong.
- Advised Pacific Equity Partners on the establishment of its new PEP Gateway private equity vehicle.
- Provided advice and assistance to Aon Australia on the divestment of its superannuation business (‘smartMonday’) to Future Super.
- Acted for listed entity Centrepoint Alliance Limited in its acquisition of ClearView Wealth’s financial advisory business.
- Advised Bendigo and Adelaide Bank/Sandhurst Trustees on the change of trustee of the Bendigo Superannuation Plan from Sandhurst Trustees to Bendigo Superannuation Pty Ltd.
- Assisted various clients with the establishment of retail and wholesale managed investment schemes including Korda Mentha, Monark Property Partners and Plantation Capital.
- Assisted one of Australia’s largest financial advisory groups with the negotiation and restructuring of critical investment mandates associated with its superannuation business.
- Providing ongoing support to a sophisticated family office in the acquisition and divestment of interests in Australian and foreign domiciled investment vehicles.
- Law Institute Victoria