ASIC cyber pulse survey now open
By Emma Donaghue and Taylor Green
The cyber pulse survey is designed to assist ASIC-regulated corporates analyse their cyber security protocols while also informing ASIC for future reform projects.
The Survey
If you or your company are regulated by ASIC, you can now access ASIC’s cyber pulse survey through your Regulatory Portal login. This is Australia’s largest cyber resilience survey and will significantly contribute to uplifting industry practice, analysis of current practices, and the future development of regulatory frameworks.
The aim of this cyber survey is to provide entities with a mechanism to measure their processes and procedures against good practice. This includes identification of key risks and the ability to respond to cyber security incidents. It is also expected this survey will provide ASIC a large pool of information on industry standard for cyber security and incident response by measuring “cyber security and controls, governance arrangements, and incident preparedness”.
Why does this survey matter?
ASIC intends to be the driving force behind cultural uplift and good governance arrangements across the Australian corporate sector. Cyber security and risk preparedness is central to this aim. This survey is critical to assisting corporates in measuring their current practices against ASIC guidance and industry norm. It will also inform ASIC so they can best drive development of regulation and enforcement. Submitting your response is not only useful for internal consideration of your ‘cyber-readiness’ but will also assist ASIC in their review of future reform with a view to common risks and gaps across the industry.
All responses are anonymous with key findings expected to be released by the end of the year.
If you need help with your cyber security protocols, then please contact our Investment Funds Team.